In Pilates
In Pilates
The mind -body connection is paramount to Pilates. The key to the mind body connection is the focus. Concentration allows you to simultaneously focus on the part of the body moving and the stability of the part of the body that is not. The ability to focus on multiple moving parts is a skill that comes with repetition.
The mind -body connection is paramount to Pilates. The key to the mind body connection is the focus. Concentration allows you to simultaneously focus on the part of the body moving and the stability of the part of the body that is not. The ability to focus on multiple moving parts is a skill that comes with repetition.
Correctly master movement to the point of subconscious reaction. - Joseph Pilates (paraphrase)
In Swimming
In Swimming
Concentration is paying attention to the right things at the right time. Laser focus of the mind allows you to be in the moment. Not anticipating the flip turn before it happens nor replaying the flip turn afterwards when it did not go as planned. Hours and miles in the pool allows for muscle memory to take over. Leaving a swimmer to experience the mind-body connection in the moment of every breath.
Concentration is paying attention to the right things at the right time. Laser focus of the mind allows you to be in the moment. Not anticipating the flip turn before it happens nor replaying the flip turn afterwards when it did not go as planned. Hours and miles in the pool allows for muscle memory to take over. Leaving a swimmer to experience the mind-body connection in the moment of every breath.